▼NBetterFinds | The namespace containing all classes and components for this project |
▼NHubs | The namespace containing the SignalR hub used for real-time updates |
CNotificationHub | SignalR hub for notifications and real-time updates |
▼NPages | The namespace containing the Razor Pages that make up the core of this web application |
CAccountModel | Model for the Account page |
CAuctionModel | Model for the Auction page |
CCreateModel | Model for the Create page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute |
CEditModel | Model for the Edit Auction page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute |
CErrorModel | Model for the Error page. This class is decorated with the ResponseCache and IgnoreAntiforgeryToken attributes |
CIndexModel | Model for the Index page |
CLoginModel | Model for the Login page |
CLogoutModel | Model for the Logout page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute |
CMyAccountModel | Model for the My Account page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute |
CMyAuctionsModel | Model for the My Auctions page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute |
CMyBidsModel | Model for the My Bids page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute |
CNotificationsModel | Model for the Notifications page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute |
CRegisterModel | Model for the Register page |
CSearchModel | Model for the Search page |
▼NServices | The namespace containing the asynchronous services used at the start of the application |
CAuctionBackgroundService | Background service that checks for auctions that ended and notifies users |
▼NUtils | The namespace containing utility classes for this project |
CAuctions | Provides utility functions for handling auctions-related operations |
CBids | Provides utility functions for handling bids-related operations |
CClient | Provides utility functions for handling client-related operations |
CCurrency | Provides utility functions for handling currency-related operations |
CImages | Provides utility functions for handling images-related operations |
CNotification | Provides utility functions for handling notifications-related operations |
CProgram | The main entry point of the application |