Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CBetterFinds.Utils.AuctionsProvides utility functions for handling auctions-related operations
 CBetterFinds.Services.AuctionBackgroundServiceBackground service that checks for auctions that ended and notifies users
 CBetterFinds.Utils.BidsProvides utility functions for handling bids-related operations
 CBetterFinds.Utils.ClientProvides utility functions for handling client-related operations
 CBetterFinds.Utils.CurrencyProvides utility functions for handling currency-related operations
 CBetterFinds.Hubs.NotificationHubSignalR hub for notifications and real-time updates
 CBetterFinds.Utils.ImagesProvides utility functions for handling images-related operations
 CBetterFinds.Utils.NotificationProvides utility functions for handling notifications-related operations
 CBetterFinds.Pages.AccountModelModel for the Account page
 CBetterFinds.Pages.AuctionModelModel for the Auction page
 CBetterFinds.Pages.CreateModelModel for the Create page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CBetterFinds.Pages.EditModelModel for the Edit Auction page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CBetterFinds.Pages.ErrorModelModel for the Error page. This class is decorated with the ResponseCache and IgnoreAntiforgeryToken attributes
 CBetterFinds.Pages.IndexModelModel for the Index page
 CBetterFinds.Pages.LoginModelModel for the Login page
 CBetterFinds.Pages.LogoutModelModel for the Logout page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CBetterFinds.Pages.MyAccountModelModel for the My Account page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CBetterFinds.Pages.MyAuctionsModelModel for the My Auctions page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CBetterFinds.Pages.MyBidsModelModel for the My Bids page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CBetterFinds.Pages.NotificationsModelModel for the Notifications page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CBetterFinds.Pages.RegisterModelModel for the Register page
 CBetterFinds.Pages.SearchModelModel for the Search page
 CBetterFinds.ProgramThe main entry point of the application