Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NBetterFindsThe namespace containing all classes and components for this project
 NHubsThe namespace containing the SignalR hub used for real-time updates
 CNotificationHubSignalR hub for notifications and real-time updates
 NPagesThe namespace containing the Razor Pages that make up the core of this web application
 CAccountModelModel for the Account page
 CAuctionModelModel for the Auction page
 CCreateModelModel for the Create page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CEditModelModel for the Edit Auction page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CErrorModelModel for the Error page. This class is decorated with the ResponseCache and IgnoreAntiforgeryToken attributes
 CIndexModelModel for the Index page
 CLoginModelModel for the Login page
 CLogoutModelModel for the Logout page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CMyAccountModelModel for the My Account page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CMyAuctionsModelModel for the My Auctions page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CMyBidsModelModel for the My Bids page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CNotificationsModelModel for the Notifications page. This class is decorated with the Authorize attribute
 CRegisterModelModel for the Register page
 CSearchModelModel for the Search page
 NServicesThe namespace containing the asynchronous services used at the start of the application
 CAuctionBackgroundServiceBackground service that checks for auctions that ended and notifies users
 NUtilsThe namespace containing utility classes for this project
 CAuctionsProvides utility functions for handling auctions-related operations
 CBidsProvides utility functions for handling bids-related operations
 CClientProvides utility functions for handling client-related operations
 CCurrencyProvides utility functions for handling currency-related operations
 CImagesProvides utility functions for handling images-related operations
 CNotificationProvides utility functions for handling notifications-related operations
 CProgramThe main entry point of the application